To do my bit to avoid any risk of feeding the nasty coronavirus causing the COVID-19 pandemic, the course planned for May 2020 has been postponed.

Have you ever dreamed of standing up in front of a large group of strangers, all alone, with nothing but your mind, your voice and a microphone?

Does this sound like something you’d enjoy? Or maybe want to try out anyway?

Veteran Valley comedian Alan Glover can help you find out. With a course that will give you the skills and confidence to get up and kill (as we say in the biz).

One night a week for four weeks, leading up to a graduation performance – in front of a real audience.

Course dates: Tuesdays 12th, 19th, 26th May and 2nd June, 2020 from 6:30–9:00pm. 

Graduation performance Saturday 6th June at 8:00pm. 

All in Laguna Hall, Laguna, Hunter Valley

Limited to ten so everyone gets Alan’s personal attention.

Cost $240 per student.

This is a practical course. Theory will be a strong component but the emphasis will be on preparing a 5-7 minute standup comedy performance piece of their own original material. Students are to bring a notebook & writing device. Geniuses can memorise the lessons.